
Html font color rgb example
Html font color rgb example

  1. #Html font color rgb example full
  2. #Html font color rgb example windows

Browserĭisplay for this page appears in Figure 4-18. Variations of background and foreground colors are shown in the following code. Hexadecimal, RGB, and color-name values can be used in any combination for specifying HTML colors are specified using color name, RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA and HSLA value. HTML colors are used to give a specific web page design, highlight certain words or paragraphs, a proper contrast, etc. With the tag down to a single text character by associatingĪ color style with a tag surrounding the character. HTML Tutorial » HTML colors, text, background and border.

#Html font color rgb example windows

The common set of 16 Windows colors is shown below by color names and their associated hexadecimal andĬolors can be applied as broadly as the entire page by associating a color style Most browsers recognize over 200 color names. Color NamesĬolors can also be specified with special color names.

#Html font color rgb example full

Hexadecimal values, a full spectrum of over 16 million colors can be represented byĬombinations of red, green, and blue intensities. Using a decimal value to indicate the intensities of the three colors. These RGB values are given in style sheets in the following Values can range from 0 (smallest) throughĢ55 (largest). Some colors can also be represented in the shortened three digit format of #rgb.Īn RGB color specification uses decimal values to indicate the combined intensities of In between these extremes are colors of every hueĪnd intensity to over 16 million colors although not all colors can be displayed accurately White is represented by allĬolors at full intensity: "#FFFFFF" black is the absence of color: Likewise, a value of "#00FF00" is (lime) green and a Positions represent the absence of green and blue color intensities. " FF" in the " rr" position assigns full intensity " FF" (the largest 2-digit hexadecimal value and equivalent to decimal 255) Hexadecimal Colors #rrggbbĪ value of hexadecimal " 00" (the smallest 2-digit hexadecimal valueĪnd equivalent to decimal 0) in the color position means the absence of the color a value of Hexadecimal values, RGB values, or color names. Text and background colors can be designated in style sheets using A background color for the page or for any text container can also be Browsers display black text on a white background unless different color style settingsĪre applied.

Html font color rgb example